Business Hours
We are open (most of the year) Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
We are closed:
- On Sundays.
- On Easter Sunday.
- On Thanksgiving Day.
- On Christmas Day.
- On New Year’s Day.
- The whole week in which July 4 (Independence Day) falls.
Early closing
We close at 4:00 pm on the eves of:
- Easter Sunday.
- Thanksgiving Day.
- Christmas Day.
- New Year’s Day.
Finding us / Directions
We are located on Route 22 (Highway 22), approximately 2.5 miles north of the intersection of I684 and I84. This is not in the village of Brewster, it’s north of the village.
Heading north on Route 22 we are the very next driveway, on the right, after the Shell gas station which is just past the first traffic light on Route 22 going North Direction Pawling (when coming from either I684 or I84).
Heading east on I84 (toward Danbury): take exit 20 N and follow the direction 22 North toward Pawling.
Heading west on I84 (toward Newburgh): take exit 20, bear right on the exit ramp and follow the direction 22 North toward Pawling.
Heading north on I684 (toward Brewster): continue I684 to its end, taking no exits. At the end I684 becomes Route 22 North direction Pawling.
Easiest routes from:
Manhattan: get on 87 going north, then either take 287 going east or Saw Mill River Parkway going north. On 287 going east take exit 9A = I684 going north to Brewster. On Saw Mill Parkway go to it’s end and merge into I684 going north to Brewster.
From the West side of Manhattan take the Hudson River Parkway going north, continue on Saw Mill Parkway going north then merge into I684 going north.
Please be mindful that Saw Mill River Parkway gets easily flooded and can be dangerous in high wind situations (lots of trees along the parkway).
Greenwich, CT: take I684 going north to Brewster.
Stamford, CT: Take route 104 (Long Ridge Road) to Bedford, then go west on Route 172 and take I684 going north to Brewster.
Ridgefield, CT:
– take route 35 going east to I684 going north to Brewster.
– or Route 7 going north to Danbury then I84 going west to NY.
– or Route 116 north toward North Salem, bear right for Route 121 toward Brewster. At the end of 121 turn left into Routes 202/6 going west. Turn right at the first light for Route 22 going north toward Pawling.
Tappan Zee bridge: take 287 going east or Saw Mill River Parkway going north. On 287 going east take exit 9A = I684 going north to Brewster. On Saw Mill Parkway go to it’s end and merge into I684 going north to Brewster.
Please be mindful that Saw Mill River Parkway gets easily flooded and can be dangerous in high wind situations (lots of trees along the parkway).
Whitestone Bridge: Bear left after the bridge for Hutchinson Parkway going north. At exit 26 bear left and follow the direction for I684 going north toward Brewster.
Throgs Neck Bridge: Go north on I295 / I95 and continue on Hutchinson Parkway going north. At exit 26 bear left and follow the direction for I684 going north toward Brewster.
From Dover Plains, Millbrook, Pawling & Patterson: go south on Route 22. Go through the two traffic lights of the A&P shopping plaza in Brewster (south of the junction with 312).
A short way past the 2nd light of the A&P shopping plaza there is a blinking light. Turn left into our driveway immediately after the blinking light.
You went too far if you pass the two brown buildings on the left and the Shell gas station on the left.